Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Why I Love Tuesday Morning

Let's get past the obvious first... Tuesday is not Monday... there's none of that beginning of the week startup uncertainty. I'm no longer worried that someone is taking an emergency week off from work... I have a good plan of action for the week's tasks and goals... and no NFL games to keep me up late for a few more days.

 So aside from a little Monday night football fatigue (that is, if I stay awake until the end of the game), Tuesdays mornings are off to a beautiful start. My mind is clear to begin the early morning ritual of reading and returning emails, checking on my website traffic statistics, and then viewing what's new on Facebook and Twitter.

Perhaps you're wondering what's so wonderful about Tuesday. It's certainly not what I just listed as the start of my work day. I do that almost every day... I can't say it makes Tuesday more special than any other day of the week. Tuesday is great because it's my babysitting day!

Yes, babysitting day... I get to supervise my 18-month old grandson while mommy is off to college. What makes it so great is during that 2-3 hours I'm not thinking about adding to content to the website,  I'm not thinking about Google, or Six Sigma, or any other business matters. I get to play!

We get to do things like climbing doors, yes I said climbing doors... he just loves climbing the patio door! We go for walks, play with building blocks. I get a steady diet of Sesame Street (do you know they redid the opening music?), Curious George, Make Way for Noddy, and Sid the Science Kid.

I realize that those are programs for children, but hey... they're not reruns to me! I've learned some interesting facts by watching... for example, Curious George plays soccer, and Sid has a rather vivid imagination.

But I digress... there's really nothing that compares to my Tuesday mornings. Where else can you have this much innocent enjoyment? Is there anything more joyful than your grandchild climbing up the sofa to give you a nice long hug?

There is one thing I need some help with though... is there someone out there who can translate infant-talk into English... I'm having trouble with the phrase "Ma Na Ma Na Ma Na."

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